Offset your JAL corporate travel
JAL Corporate Carbon Offset Program enables your organization to travel more responsibly by offsetting your travel emissions through trusted, high-impact climate solutions.
Program benefits

Monthly carbon reporting
Track your organization's carbon footprint with JAL through monthly reporting and access detailed carbon offset order history.

Trusted climate projects
Access detailed project information, customize allocation across a JAL-curated portfolio of high-quality projects, and place offset orders.

Seamless user experience
Our climate partner CHOOOSE will handle all of the details, from climate solution inventory and order management to recurring carbon compensation execution, credit retirement, and offset certificates.

Connect with trusted climate solutions
JAL Corporate Carbon Offset Program puts your company in direct contact with some of the most impactful climate projects available today. By participating in the program and offsetting your corporate travels, your company will support these projects in an amount equivalent to that of your calculated carbon footprint.
Start tracking your positive impact
As a JAL Corporate Carbon Offset Program Member, you will have access to your own company portal where you can review monthly emissions reports, view detailed order history and analysis, access in-depth project content, and track your company's cumulative impact on each project.

What is a carbon footprint?
A carbon footprint is defined by the greenhouse gas (GHG) emissions associated with any specific activity or transaction. The carbon footprint is often broken down into 3 scopes of emissions: (i) Scope 1 emissions are direct emissions and cover GHG emissions by an organization. This could be the emissions that are directly generated by manufacturing goods. It also includes fuel combustion, company vehicles, and fugitive emissions. (ii) Scope 2 emissions are indirect GHG emissions from the consumption of purchased electricity, including heating, steaming, or cooling. (iii) scope 3 emissions are all other indirect emissions (or value chain emissions) related to the company’s activities, including emissions caused by vendors within the supply chain, outsourced activities, employee travel, and commuting. In many industries, Scope 3 emissions account for the largest amount of GHG emissions.
Where does my offset contribution go?
When customers offset their carbon footprint, funds paid are used to support projects that reduce, capture, or avoid greenhouse gases (GHG) emissions in an amount equivalent to that of their calculated carbon footprint. The funds paid are dedicated to purchasing and canceling third-party certified carbon offsets. The carbon offsets made available on the platform are Voluntary Emission Reduction (VER) units, certified by various credible and internationally recognized carbon certification standards such as the VCS, the Gold Standard, American Carbon Registry, and Climate Action Reserve, as well as Certified Emissions Reduction (CER) units certified by the United Nations and J-credits certified by Japan's government. For each transaction, a fee is charged for credit card processing and for standard administration and support services from Japan Airlines’ climate partner CHOOOSE™. The administration and support services fee is 17.5% per transaction, and this helps to cover CHOOOSE’s running costs.
What is a carbon offset or a carbon credit?
Carbon offsetting refers to the idea of first recognizing and making efforts to reduce emissions of CO2 and other greenhouse gases that cannot be avoided in our daily lives and economic activities, and then investing in projects to reduce and absorb emissions in proportion to those that are difficult to reduce. Each carbon offset (or carbon credit) represents 1 tonne of greenhouse gas (GHG) emissions, in carbon dioxide (CO2) equivalent, that has been reduced, captured, or avoided through the implementation of a project activity that would not have taken place without the sale of carbon offsets. The terms "carbon offset" and "carbon credit" can be used interchangeably.
How do I know that the impact would not have occurred without my support?
Emission reductions enabled by project activities and certified to a credible carbon certification body must adhere to the principle of “additionality” to be materialized and monetized as carbon offsets. This means that the projects are being implemented as a result of the (expected) proceeds from the sale of carbon offsets, enabling project developers to overcome the difficulties they face. In other words, organizations are not supporting a project that would have been carried out anyway. The carbon offsets are funding additional carbon mitigation. Often, projects are not financially attractive to investors without the sale of these carbon offsets and would therefore not materialize. The additionality case is checked by third-party auditors and the respective carbon certification body at project inception.
Can offsetting carbon emissions really tackle climate change?
The science is clear: a quantity of greenhouse gas (GHG) emissions emitted in one place has the same global warming potential as the same quantity of GHG emissions emitted anywhere else. It is the same thing for a quantity of GHG emissions reduced or avoided. Climate change is happening due to the increasing concentration of GHG emissions in the atmosphere and it is of the utmost importance to reduce the pace at which GHG emissions enter the atmosphere. One way to do so is to support low-carbon and modern project activities that displace high-carbon and traditional alternative activities. In many sectors and countries, these low-carbon activities are uneconomical and face barriers that prevent them from taking place. As a result, they are allowed to sell carbon offsets, which enable projects to take place and reduce emissions. By offsetting its carbon emissions, an organization is outsourcing emission reductions and mitigating climate change by supporting relevant project activities.
What type of data can we get from the portal site?
You will have access to your own company portal where you can review monthly emissions reports, view detailed order history and analysis, access in-depth project content, and track your company's cumulative impact on each project.
Is there a registration cost?
No, the registration is for free.
How can I register?
Please contact our sales representatives. If you don't have a sales representative assigned, please contact us using the inquiry form at the bottom of the page.
How can I pay for my offset orders?
You can pay by credit card or bank transfer.
I do not have any contact with a JAL sales representative. Is there any other way to offset my carbon footprint?
Please contact us if you have any inquiries. You can also contribute to the environment through .
Who is Japan Airlines' climate partner CHOOOSE?
To guarantee that your offset has a climate-positive impact, Japan Airlines has partnered with climate technology company CHOOOSE™. CHOOOSE delivers a platform that enables both individuals and organizations to easily connect with the best CO2e-reducing climate projects around the world. Through its API for climate impact, CHOOOSE programmatically calculates your travel footprint and provides you with the option to seamlessly offset your journey through trusted climate projects.
Contact us If you have any questions about JAL Corporate Carbon Offset Program, please contact us using this inquiry form.